How to set actuator preload

How to set actuator preload

Setting actuator preload is important as it prevents any sort of boost leaking by shutting the flap nice and tight. We’re going to talk about how to set-up an actuator preload.

First loosen the clevis locknut, remove the circlip that holds the rod to the valve, then while you push the wastegate valve arm of the flap so it closes the gate, turn the clevis a couple of times until it hooks onto the wastegate valve arm just right; that would be the starting point. From the starting point, you do 3 full turns of the clevis, or you can measure it at around 3mm length. This would be your preload. Now you cannot hook the clevis easily on the wastegate valve arm, you have to pull the rod a bit harder towards the valve arm and hook it on. Once you got your preload done, tighten the locknut and install the circlip back on. There you have completed the actuator preload set-up!